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作者:法律资料网 时间:2024-07-04 15:47:51  浏览:9835   来源:法律资料网
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  上海房地产律师杨东表示,按照《商品房销售管理办法》的相关规定,不管是商品房、还是商铺的销售时,按套内建筑面积或者建筑面积计价的,当事人应当在《商品房买卖合同》中载明合同约定面积与产权登记面积发生误差的处理方式。如果有约定,则按约定处理,如果未约定的,按照以下原则处理:(一)面积误差比绝对值在3%以内(含3%)的,据实结算房价款;(二)面积误差比绝对值超出3%时,买受人有权退房。买受人退房的,房地产开发企业应当在买受人提出退房之日起30日内将买受人已付房价款退还给买受人,同时支付已付房价款利息。买受人不退房的,产权登记面积大于合同约定面积时,面积误差比在3%以内(含3%)部分的房价款由买受人补足;超出3%部分的房价款由房地产开发企业承担,产权归买受人。产权登记面积小于合同约定面积时,面积误差比绝对值在3%以内(含3%)部分的房价款由房地产开发企业返还买受人;绝对值超出3%部分的房价款由房地产开发企业双倍返还买受人。 注:面积误差比等于产权登记面积减去合同约定面积除以合同约定面积的乘以100%。
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第一条 公路是为全社会服务的基础设施。为加快公路建设,以满足社会经济发展和人民生活水平提高对公路交通日益增长的需要,决定设置车辆购置附加费,作为公路建设专用的一项资金来源,特制定本办法。
第二条 车辆购置附加费在全国范围内征收,每辆车只征一次。
第三条 凡购买或自行组装使用的车辆(不包括人力车、兽力车和自行车,下同),在购买时或投入使用之前必须缴纳车辆购置附加费。
第四条 车辆购置附加费以车辆的购买者或使用者(包括国家机关和军队)为义务缴费人(以下简称缴费人)。
第五条 车辆购置附加费的征收范围如下:
第六条 下列车辆免征车辆购置附加费:
第七条 车辆购置附加费的征收管理工作由交通部门负责,并由本办法所列单位代征。
第八条 国内生产或组装的车辆,其车辆购置附加费由生产厂或组装厂代征,以车辆的实际销售价格为计费依据。组装自用的车辆向所在地交通部门缴纳车辆购置附加费,参照同类车辆的当地价格计费。国内生产和组装的车辆购置附加费费率均为百分之十。
第九条 国外进口的车辆,其车辆购置附加费由海关代征,以计算增值税后的计费组合价格(即到岸价格+关税+增值税)为计费依据,费率为百分之十五。
第十条 缴费人缴纳车辆购置附加费后,发给统一的缴费凭证。缴费凭证由交通部统一制定格式。
第十一条 缴费人缴纳车辆购置附加费取得缴费凭证后,才能向交通监理或公安车管部门申请车辆牌照。如交通监理或公安车管部门发现有漏缴情况,应责成缴费人向当地交通部门缴纳费款,并增收补办费。
第十二条 购车人购买免征车辆购置附加费的车辆,应向所在地交通部门申请,办理免征手续,取得免征凭证后,才能向交通监理或公安车管部门申请车辆牌照。
第十三条 车辆购置附加费的收入列为交通部专户存入中国工商银行,并由各地工商银行负责划转。
第十四条 对车辆购置附加费,免征国家能源交通建设基金。
第十五条 车辆购置附加费的全部收入作为国家公路发展基金的一项来源。基金的使用由交通部按照国家有关规定统一安排。
第十六条 各级交通部门统一管理、监督车辆购置附加费的征收、上缴。车辆购置附加费的代征单位应建立专门帐目,按期将征收的费款存入当地工商银行交通部车辆购置附加费专户,并向负责征收的交通部门填报有关报表。代征单位可以提取代征费款的千分之三,作为代征手续费。
第十七条 负责征收费款的交通部门有权检查代征单位的代征代缴情况,如发现有不按本办法办理的,应要求其立即改正;有漏征、滞缴费款情况时,应处以罚款。
第十八条 缴费人不按本办法缴纳费款的,除追缴费款外,并酌情处以应缴费款五倍以下的罚款。伪造凭证的,依法惩处。
第十九条 缴费人同征收部门在缴费问题上发生争议时,必须先按征收部门的决定缴费,然后向上一级交通部门、财政部门申请复议。
第二十条 对检举揭发漏缴车辆购置附加费和伪造凭证的单位或个人,应给予奖励。
第二十一条 本办法由交通部、财政部负责解释,并制定实施细则。
第二十二条 本办法自一九八五年五月一日起施行。


Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Promulgated by the State Council on April 2, 1985)
Article 1
Highways are infrastructure to serve the whole society. To speed up the
construction of highways so as to meet the increasing demands for highways
owing to the socioeconomic development and the rising living standards of
the people, these Measures are formulated based on the decision to impose
surcharges for purchases of motor vehicles as a special source of funds
for the construction of highways.
Article 2
Surcharges for purchases of motor vehicles are imposed nationwide and each
vehicle purchased shall be surcharged only once.
Article 3
A surcharge must be paid for all purchased motor vehicles to be assembled
and used by the purchasers themselves (not including manpowered vehicles,
animal-drawn vehicles or bicycles) upon purchase or actual use.
Article 4
The purchasers or users (including State organs and armed forces) of the
vehicles are obliged to the surcharge (hereinafter referred to as payers).
Article 5
Surcharges shall apply to purchases of the following motor vehicles:
(1) Domestically manufactured or assembled vehicles for domestic sale and
use (including those manufactured and assembled by various forms of joint
ventures and foreign-capital enterprises). These include buses, mini-
buses, general-purpose freight vehicles, cross-country vehicles, passenger
vans, two-wheel and three-wheel motorcycles, tractor trucks. semi-tractor
trucks, other transport vehicles (including delivery vans, container,
trucks, tipper lorries, tankers, lorries for transporting powdered or
particulate cargoes in bulk, cold storage and heat preservation vans,
cattle vans, mail vehicles, etc.) as well as trailers, semi-trailers and
trailers for special usage.
(2) All imported (new ones and the second-hand) vehicles as listed in the
preceding paragraph.
Article 6
The following vehicles shall be exempt from surcharges:
(1) Vehicles with fixed installations for purposes other than
(2) Vehicles used by foreign embassies and consulates, representative
offices of the UN organizations and international financial organizations
in China.
(3) Other vehicles exempt from surcharges as approved by the Ministry of
Communications and Ministry of Finance.
Article 7
The collection of the surcharge for purchases of motor vehicles shall be
administered by the communications departments and the surcharges shall be
collected on their behalf by the units listed in these Measures.
Article 8
The surcharge for the vehicles manufactured and assembled domestically
shall be collected by the producers or assemblers; the rate of the
surcharge shall be calculated on the basis of the actual sale price. The
surcharge for vehicles assembled and used by the purchaser shall be paid
at the local communications departments and the rate be calculated on the
basis of the local market price of similar vehicles. The rate of the
surcharge for domestically manufactured and assembled vehicles is 10 per
Article 9
The surcharge for imported vehicles shall be collected by the Customs. The
rate shall be 15 per cent based upon a combined price (i.e. C.I.F. +
duties + the value added tax.)
Article 10
The payers, upon surcharge payment, shall be issued "surcharge-paid"
certificates. The form of certificates shall be devised by the Ministry of
Article 11
Only with "surcharge-paid" certificates can the payers apply for vehicle
licence plates to the communications superintendencies or vehicle control
departments of the public security organs, which shall, in cases of
evasion of payment, order the evaders to pay the surcharges at the local
communications departments, with an additional service charge.
Article 12
Purchasers of the vehicles that are exempt from the surcharge shall apply
to the local communications departments for exemption certificates before
registration with the local communications superintendencies or public
security organs for vehicle license plates.
Article 13
The incomes from the collection of surcharges for purchases of motor
vehicles shall be deposited with the China Industrial and Commercial Bank
in a special account of the Ministry of Communications and shall be
transferred to the account by the Bank's local branches.
Article 14
The surcharges for purchases of motor vehicles shall be exempt from the
State Fund for Energy and Transportation development.
Article 15
The entire income of surcharges for purchases of motor vehicles shall be a
source of funds for the country's highway development. The funds shall be
used under the unified arrangement of the Ministry of Communications
according to relevant regulations of the State.
Article 16
The collection and transfer of the surcharges are administered and
supervised in a unified way by communications departments at various
levels. The collecting units for surcharges for purchases of motor
vehicles shall establish special account books and deposit the money
collected in the special accounts of the Ministry of Communications for
surcharge for purchase of motor vehicles at the local industrial and
commercial branch banks. They shall also fill out relevant forms and
statements and submit them to the communications departments in charge of
collecting the surcharges. The collecting units are entitled to draw 0.3
per cent of the amount collected as service charge.
Article 17
The communications departments in charge of the surcharges have the right
to supervise the collecting units with respect to the conditions of the
collection and transfer. Immediate rectification shall be required for
any failure to act upon these Measures; and fines shall be imposed on
surcharge omissions or delayed transfers.
Article 18
Payers who fail to pay surcharges according to these Measures shall make
up the payment and, in addition, be imposed according to the
circumstances, a fine up to five times or less the amount due. Forgery of
certificates shall be punished according to law.
Article 19
In cases where disputes occur between the payers and the collecting
departments, the payers shall pay first as demanded and then apply to
higher communications departments or finance departments for
Article 20
Individuals and units that expose or report on cases of surcharge evasion
or certificate forgery shall be awarded.
Article 21
The Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Finance shall be
responsible for the interpretation of these Measures and the formulation
of the rules for the implementation thereof.
Article 22
These Measures shall go into effect on May 1, 1985.





第一条 为加强重庆铁路口岸管理,确保口岸安全畅通,根据国家有关规定,制定本办法。
第二条 口岸的联检区(仓库、外贸货物装卸用铁路线)是口岸查验单位代表国家对出入境交通工具、货物等实施联合检查和监管的场所。
第三条 重庆市口岸管理办公室(以下简称市口岸办)是重庆市人民政府直接领导的口岸综合管理机构,负责管理和协调口岸工作。根据需要在重庆东站(以下简称东站)设置派出机构,负责铁路口岸的日常管理工作。
第四条 铁路、海关、商检、卫检、动植检等部门,依照各自的职责和国家在关规定,负责对出入境交通工具、货物等进行检查、检验、检疫和监督管理。
第五条 东站和进出口货场联营单位按职责规定,负责铁路口岸进出口货物的运输组织和仓库管理等工作。
第六条 货主或货运代理人应按国家有关进出境货物的法律法规的规定,主动申请并配合查验部门进行检疫、检验。
第七条 口岸有关单位应严格按核定的编制定岗定员定责,并报市口岸办备案。
第八条 口岸有关单位的工作人员必须佩戴东站统一制发的证件上岗工作。
第九条 检查检验和有关单位应在口岸集中办公,实行报验、检查检验、制发单证一条龙服务,建立科学、快捷的单据传递办法和查验联系方法。
第十条 货运检查检验的方法应做到程序简化、高效监管:
第十一条 外贸专用线实行昼夜连续作业制度,缩短货车停留时间。进口货物到站,查验单位接到东站值班员通知后30分钟内必须到岗。
第十二条 对逾期无人认领的进口货物,由东站交海关根据国家有关规定及时处理。
第十三条 外贸进出口货物运输费用按国家规定的项目标准核收。
第十四条 查验单位在联检现场的工作场所和通讯保障条件(含市内电话),按《国务院关于口岸开放的若干规定》执行。
第十五条 口岸管理部门及口岸查验单位的工作人员利用各务之便故意刁难货主,并向货主索贿受贿的,由其所在单位或上级主管部门或监察部门给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,移送司法机关处理。
第十六条 重庆铁路口岸联检楼使用规定,由市口岸办另行制定。
第十七条 东站和进出口货联营单位可根据本办法制定安全、治安、消防等工作实施细则。
第十八条 本办法未尽事宜按国家有关规定办理。
第十九条 本办法具体应用中的问题由市口岸办负责解释。
第二十条 本办法自1996年1月15日起施行。

